l orange carrot ginger juice

Refreshing Orange Carrot Ginger Juice Recipe

Key Points

  • The orange carrot ginger juice recipe is an easy-to-juice recipe that is refreshing and should be liked by almost everyone.
  • Carrots are packed with Vitamin A as well as other antioxidants, but you shouldn’t overdo it by drinking a lot of carrot juice every day
  • Use freshly squeezed OJ for the best flavor and health benefits

What Does It Taste Like?

The orange juice more than balances out the carrot flavor, which isn’t strong to begin with. The ginger provides a bit of spice to the recipe that makes it even more refreshing. This is a great, refreshing juice recipe that even children should find enjoyable.

I’ll be honest, I never thought I’d get into juicing. I try to exercise 4 days/week. Which for me is 2 days of isometric exercise, a split work out between isometric weightlifting and HIIT, and then a day dedicated to cardio. For me, it works.

But juicing was never on my radar until my wife went whole-hog into it and eventually acquired Juicing Journal.

This simple recipe of carrots, oranges, and ginger juice is one of my favorites. I can make it in a few minutes and one of my two picky kids find it very tasty!

Orange Carrot Ginger Juice Benefits

Carrot juice is packed with Vitamin A. It is most famous for protecting your eyesight. One of the ways it does this is by reducing the oxidative stress in your eyes caused by free radicals. Studies have shown that oxidative stress (OS) is a major cause of vision problems later in life. So by reducing OS in your eyes, your vision may not decline as bad as it otherwise would as you age.

But Don’t Overdo It With Vitamin A

Too much Vitamin A will, ironically, damage your eyesight! The condition is known as Hypervitaminosis A and it isn’t anything you want to deal with. Symptoms include:

  • bone pain
  • poor vision
  • irritability
  • mouth ulcers
  • and more!

So while I encourage you to consume carrot juice, limit your consumption to no more than 4 ounces per day.

Antioxidants Lutein & Zeaxanthin

Carrot juice also is packed with Lutein & Zeaxanthin. These are carotenoids, which are pigments produced by some plants and vegetables. They are the pigments that give them a yellow or sometimes a blueish hue.

These carotenoids are also antioxidants. And like other antioxidants, they reduce the damage caused to your cells by your body’s normal metabolic processes.

Finally, carrots are also loaded with polyphenols, which has been shown in some studies to help regulate obesity.

Loaded with Vitamin C

Oranges are famous in the own right for being packed with Vitamin C. Vitamin C, it is well documented, is a workhorse for boosting your immune system.

Vitamin C, along with the folate and potassium found in orange juice, bestows numerous health benefits. Together, they can improve your cardiovascular health and reduce the risk of developing kidney stones.

Fresh Orange Juice is Best

Avoid store-bought orange juice if you can. Consider the fact that store-bought orange juice contains the following additives:

  1. Sugars
  2. Perfumes
  3. Flavorings

In fact, without these added elements, you wouldn’t know you were drinking orange juice. The modern manufacturing process associated with orange juice removes almost all the good things that come along with drinking OJ.

Don’t believe me? Buy a carton of Minute Maid and Tropicana. They are both orange juice. So why do they taste so different? It’s because they have different mixtures of added flavorings and fragrances to make it taste and smell a certain way. Heck, they even have to put dye in it to make it orange in color!

That’s why I don’t drink the store-bought stuff. I only drink freshly squeezed juice. But even without the modern manufacturing process, orange juice is still high in both sugar and calories. So regulate your intake appropriately per your individual needs.

A Zip of Ginger

Ginger is the secret to making this juice recipe be more than just ho-hum OJ with carrot juice. Orange juice and carrot juice are both rather sweet. This drink is still sweet without the ginger, but the ginger definitely gives it a refreshing kick!

It doesn’t require much, either. Although you can adjust the amount to your personal tastes, I only use one ounce of ginger per orange in this recipe. So if I use one orange and two carrots, I’ll use one ounce of ginger. If I use two oranges and four carrots, I’ll use two ounces.

Ginger’s Surprising Health Benefits

The ginger root has been used for its health benefits for over 5000 years! Ginger is loaded with antioxidants. It has been shown to lower LDL cholesterol levels. As an natural anti-inflammatory, it can also relieve pain related to arthritis. The gingerols compounds natural found in ginger also help keep oral bacteria from growing.

Want More Ginger Juice Recipes?

Check out our list of 12 Awesome Ginger Juice Recipes. It has several of my favorite hot and cold recipes for incorporating more ginger in your life.


Orange-Carrot-Ginger Juice

Recipe by BrandonCuisine: vegetable and fruit juiceDifficulty: Easy


Prep time






  • 8 carrots, peeled (I use Birds Eye chopped carrots because I hate peeling carrots & it saves a lot of time)

  • 4 medium oranges

  • 2 - 4oz piece of ginger root


  • Juice the carrots, oranges, and ginger
  • Enjoy immediately or save in refrigerator in an airtight container for up to 72 hours.


  • You can add the ginger root to taste or leave it out completely. I like how the ginger adds a bit of "zip" to the juice.
  • The photo only shows about half the yield of this recipe. One of my oranges was bad so I ended up just halving everything 🙁

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